ault sync wait time. * * @var int Number of seconds. */ public static $default_sync_wait_time = 10; // seconds, between syncs. /** * Only wait before next send if the current send took more than this number of seconds. * * @var int Number of seconds. */ public static $default_sync_wait_threshold = 10; /** * Default wait between attempting to continue a full sync via requests. * * @var int Number of seconds. */ public static $default_enqueue_wait_time = 1; /** * Maximum queue size. * * Each item is represented with a new row in the wp_options table. * * @var int Number of queue items. */ public static $default_max_queue_size = 5000; /** * Default maximum lag allowed in the queue. * * @var int Number of seconds */ public static $default_max_queue_lag = 7200; // 2 hours. /** * Default for default writes per sec. * * @var int Rows per second. */ public static $default_queue_max_writes_sec = 100; // 100 rows a second. /** * Default for post types blacklist. * * @var array Empty array. */ public static $default_post_types_blacklist = array(); /** * Default for taxonomies blacklist. * * @var array Empty array. */ public static $default_taxonomies_blacklist = array(); /** * Default for taxonomies whitelist. * * @var array Empty array. */ public static $default_taxonomy_whitelist = array(); /** * Default for post meta whitelist. * * @var array Empty array. */ public static $default_post_meta_whitelist = array(); /** * Default for comment meta whitelist. * * @var array Empty array. */ public static $default_comment_meta_whitelist = array(); /** * Default for disabling sync across the site. * * @var int Bool-ish. Default to 0. */ public static $default_disable = 0; // completely disable sending data to wpcom. /** * Default for disabling sync across the entire network on multisite. * * @var int Bool-ish. Default 0. */ public static $default_network_disable = 0; /** * Default for disabling checksums. * * @var int Bool-ish. Default 0. */ public static $default_checksum_disable = 0; /** * Should Sync use cron? * * @var int Bool-ish value. Default 1. */ public static $default_sync_via_cron = 1; /** * Default if Sync should render content. * * @var int Bool-ish value. Default is 0. */ public static $default_render_filtered_content = 0; /** * Default number of items to enqueue at a time when running full sync. * * @var int Number of items. */ public static $default_max_enqueue_full_sync = 100; /** * Default for maximum queue size during a full sync. * * Each item will represent a value in the wp_options table. * * @var int Number of items. */ public static $default_max_queue_size_full_sync = 1000; // max number of total items in the full sync queue. /** * Default max time for sending in immediate mode. * * @var float Number of Seconds */ public static $default_full_sync_send_duration = 9; /** * Defaul for time between syncing callables. * * @var int Number of seconds. */ public static $default_sync_callables_wait_time = MINUTE_IN_SECONDS; // seconds before sending callables again. /** * Default for time between syncing constants. * * @var int Number of seconds. */ public static $default_sync_constants_wait_time = HOUR_IN_SECONDS; // seconds before sending constants again. /** * Default for sync queue lock timeout time. * * @var int Number of seconds. */ public static $default_sync_queue_lock_timeout = 120; // 2 minutes. /** * Default for cron sync time limit. * * @var int Number of seconds. */ public static $default_cron_sync_time_limit = 4 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS; /** * Default for number of term relationship items sent in an full sync item. * * @var int Number of items. */ public static $default_term_relationships_full_sync_item_size = 100; /** * Default for enabling incremental sync. * * @var int 1 for true. */ public static $default_sync_sender_enabled = 1; // Should send incremental sync items. /** * Default for enabling Full Sync. * * @var int 1 for true. */ public static $default_full_sync_sender_enabled = 1; // Should send full sync items. /** * Default Full Sync config * * @var array list of module names. */ public static $default_full_sync_config = array( 'comments' => 1, 'constants' => 1, 'functions' => 1, 'options' => 1, 'posts' => 1, 'term_relationships' => 1, 'terms' => 1, 'themes' => 1, 'updates' => 1, 'users' => 1, ); /** * Default Full Sync max objects to send on a single request. * * @var array list of module => max. */ public static $default_full_sync_limits = array( 'comments' => array( 'chunk_size' => 100, 'max_chunks' => 10, ), 'posts' => array( 'chunk_size' => 100, 'max_chunks' => 1, ), 'term_relationships' => array( 'chunk_size' => 1000, 'max_chunks' => 10, ), 'terms' => array( 'chunk_size' => 1000, 'max_chunks' => 10, ), 'users' => array( 'chunk_size' => 100, 'max_chunks' => 10, ), ); /** * Default for enabling dedicated Sync flow. * * @var int Bool-ish. Default 0. */ public static $default_dedicated_sync_enabled = 0; /** * Default for enabling custom queue table for Sync. * * @var int Bool-ish. Default 0. */ public static $default_custom_queue_table_enabled = 0; }